02 Pamphlet - Gesti Quotidiani
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- Bruno Munari- Supplemento al Dizionario Italiano.
- Emilio Isgrò- Autocurriculum
A conceptual artist and painter - but also a poet, writer, playwright, and director - Emilio Isgrò (Barcelona of Sicily, 1937) is one of the most internationally known names in Italian art in the 20th and 21st centuries.
With his book Autocurriculum, the autobiography of one of the most original and eclectic artists of our time, the famous writer-eraser, the one who with the simple gesture of deleting, created his own peculiar universe.
- Pickpocket, 1956, Robert Bresson
A masterpiece about a man becoming a pickpocket expert. Forget the plot, enter this magical movie realised by one of the masters of minimalism in cinema.
- Il Gesto delle Mani, 2015 Francesco Clerici
A documentary film where the hands become the absolute protagonists of an act of creation, patience, and the means to obtain the art of this historical place, although not very well known in Milan. “The gesture of hands” is the first film by Clerici, a documentary that tells the art of bronze sculpture in the Battaglia Artistic Foundry of Milan.