Earth Day Every Day

Il progetto che Francio ha realizzato per il giorno della terra. 22 disegni numerati, dedicati alla natura che ci circonda, che sono stati regalati con i primi 22 ordini della giornata.
L'intenzione passa attraverso stimoli e visioni, parole semplici e gentili, disegni che portano sorrisi, colori e parole, nella speranza che anche tu possa esprimere quello che ami compiendo ogni giorno un piccolo gesto nel tuo quotidiano per migliorare quello che hai intorno.
Qui puoi trovare il set dedicato alla terra che rimarrà sempre presente sul nostro sito con Humus, Seaweed e Museum.
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This set is an homage to remembering that we can act every day in a conscious way to help the earth. We as humans are not perfect, but we can thrive and have ideals to work with, for a better and more respectful life on earth.
I imagined the scent of the wet humus in my hand, the freshness of the soil, and the warmth of the ground. I imagined a color that comes from this powerful tool of nature, a shade that is indeed of nature, and that can give us a reminder to care for what we have under our feet.
"Our last great natural renewable resource: could seaweed save the world?" Seaweed grows in every one of the seas and oceans that together cover 71 percent of our planet. It is still quite mysterious, but it’s now known there are about 11,000 species of the plant, divided into three main types: brown, red, and green.
We are here to honor this ancient resource that for many years was used by Arab pharmacists, by the Chinese as a medicine, and nowadays as a globally recognized food.
Consider nature as a contemporary museum. It is a place where all the errors of the past are shown and it is a place full of possibilities for the future. We as humans are the people that live in the moment, in the here and now, we are the people that have to take care of the earth and make a difference in the future.
Click to see all the selection of our green colors.